Advancing in your EDI Journey with the VPFO

We each have an active role to play in working against oppression and towards equality, and finding ways to elevate historically and systemically marginalized groups. Education is key to effectively defeating racism and injustice. To help, your Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee has produced a series of self-paced, 45-minute online courses, available on UBC Workplace Learning (WPL).

We encourage all VPFO team members to complete these modules by September 30, 2022. These courses will empower us to work towards building a supportive, inclusive, and culturally safe work environment across the VPFO.

Learn more and access the courses on the VPFO EDI Training webpage.

Join the VPFO EDI Committee

The EDI Committee was formed last year to build a framework for equity, diversity and inclusion within the VPFO and cultivate a safe space for meaningful discussions. Since then, we have developed resources, training, and a series of online courses to help you start, advance, and navigate your individual EDI journey.

We are looking for new volunteers to join us in making meaningful change within the VPFO, especially representation from the Central Finance teams.

If you would like to participate and engage with this committee please contact Arvind Kang at or Jen Sheel at