Zoom recently released a new feature allowing users to add preferred pronouns to their Zoom profile and UBC enabled this feature for all UBC Zoom accounts last Friday, August 5. This is an important step towards building inclusive virtual spaces at UBC.
At the VPFO, we each play a role in creating an inclusive work environment and helping UBC’s community members of all gender identities feel safe and supported. One of the ways we can help is by modeling the correct use of pronouns.
What are gender pronouns?
Personal gender pronouns are the pronouns that a person identifies with and would like to be called when their proper name is not being used. By including your pronouns or using someone’s correct pronouns, you are also creating a learning opportunity for people who may not have heard much about personal pronouns before.
Learn all about pronouns on UBC’s Equity & Inclusion Office’s website.
What if I get someone’s pronouns wrong?
The Equity & Inclusion Office also created a short video that offers practical information on commonly used terminology and best practices around inclusive communications, such as using someone’s preferred pronouns or what to do if you accidentally make a mistake.
How do I communicate pronouns to my team at work?
It is important to share this information in whatever way feels comfortable for you. Adding your pronouns to your email signature is one possible option. You may also want to consider working with your supervisor to co-create a communication plan to share your name and pronouns with your team.
Find some ideas about how to communicate your pronouns at work.