Jan 21, 2019
The Commons Building: Nothing Common About It
The Commons building at UBC Okanagan is a significant addition to the campus environment and will be an influential part of the student, faculty, staff, and visitor experience on the campus.
Jan 18, 2019
Be heard: policy consultation on travel and other business-related expenses
You're invited to comment on Proposed Policy #83 (Travel and Other Business-Related Expenses) and its related procedures. Proposed Policy #83 establishes an up-to-date, principled and flexible approach to govern business-related expenditures incurred on behalf of UBC and reimbursement of such expenses.
Dec 18, 2018
From a teaching perspective: Upgraded LASR 102
Sherry McKay, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), shares her experience teaching in the recently renovated Frederic Lasserre 102 classroom.
Dec 10, 2018
Winter is Coming, and UBC is prepared
While you may only now be thinking about pulling your snow shovel out of storage, Building Operations and Facilities Management staff at UBC been planning for weeks for any winter weather event that may strike the campuses.