Are you and your team up to date on your mandatory training?

To help keep UBC one of the safest and most welcoming places in Canada, the university has released several new mandatory courses through the Workplace Learning (WPL) platform.

To help you keep up with required training, every March and October, staff who are not up to date on their UBC Required Training receive a Workday reminder notification to complete their training. Managers and supervisors will also receive a Workday notification with the names of their employees who are not yet up to date on their UBC required training.

For managers and supervisors, you can always run a report in Workday to check if you have employees who may need your help. Go to the section ‘My Team’, and selecting the ‘Workers with Incomplete Required Training – Distributed’ button.

If you believe you have completed the most up-to-date version of a necessary required training but still receive a notification of incompletion, please contact the Workplace Learning Ecosystem (WPL) for help at