Oct 30, 2020

Expanding fuel resilience at UBC
Teams from Environmental Protection, Emergency Management and Energy & Water Services collaborated to expand the back-up diesel supply at the Campus Energy Centre by replacing the existing 42,000 litre tank with two 100,000 litre tanks.
Oct 29, 2020

Many members of the UBC faculty and staff community have moved to working-from-home scenarios as a result of COVID-19, and the university’s finance teams have received some questions about whether UBC will be issuing T2200 tax forms for the 2020 tax year.
Oct 07, 2020
It’s one month to go-live for Workday, Planon and the Integrated Service Centre
Over the past two years, we have been accelerating towards a renewal of our key business systems. This week, we are only one month away from our November 2 go-live date and our continued collective engagement in training and other start-up preparations are critical for a smooth and successful implementation.
Sep 24, 2020

Join UBC’s virtual ShakeOut drill on October 15th
We’re all spending more time at home at the moment, which makes it all the more important to prepare your home for the unexpected. Join UBC's virtual ShakeOut drill on October 15th to get ready!
Sep 23, 2020