Nov 28, 2018

Jodi Scott, Steven Lee, and Leanne Feichtinger form new Learning Space team
The Learning Space team within Facilities Planning, Infrastructure Development will work together with UBC IT Audio Visual and Scheduling Services to plan and manage all of the formal learning spaces at the UBC Vancouver campus.
Nov 14, 2018

Deb Capps promoted to Operations/Project Manager, Change Management with Building Operations
Deb will support the changes and training we are anticipating from systems renewal and fill a management gap that was identified in Building Operations.
Nov 09, 2018
Jennifer Farr Joins Financial Operations as Strategic Sourcing Manager
Jennifer and her team work closely with faculties and administrative units to identify and implement opportunities to ensure the best sourcing strategies are identified and the resulting contracts meet user requirements and deliver value to UBC.

Matt Shannon promoted to Manager, Application Development in Facilities Information & Inventory Systems
In his new role Matt provides technical leadership in the development of web applications and integrations to support on-going initiatives within Infrastructure Development and the Associate Vice President, Campus Facilities portfolio.
Nov 08, 2018