How long have you been at UBC?
I’ve been here two years. Before UBC, I worked as an accountant at a junior mining company in downtown. Before that, as an Investment Advisor (stock broker) for about four years at a small brokerage firm — I started the month Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns went down. Not fun times.
What do you do for the university?
Our team, Financial Systems, provides end-user support for Financial Operations’ systems and applications. We work closely with business units to define operational support processes, collect requirements, troubleshoot issues, and sometimes, resolve the issue! But more often than not, we bring our unresolved issues to our friends at IT, who are the real brains of this operation.
What makes you laugh?
I love hanging out at lunch with friends and co-workers at UBC. A few of them are very serious and important people now, so it makes me laugh bringing them back down to earth. But these days, my newborn daughter makes me laugh the most!
Who inspires you, and why?
I sometimes find myself irritated and down, looking for excuses to get out of my obligations. But I see how my wife show up every day for our daughter, her work, and for me without a word of complaint. She inspires me.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned?
Show up everyday with a big heart.
What is your favourite song or book?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar was just so weird and perfect — it has a two sentence chapter about the 19th floor and how it didn’t exist. Just weird books like this and mind bendy movies like Charlie Kaufman’s are the best!
What’s your favourite or ideal vacation spot?
Seoul in the spring or fall. Summer and Winter in Korea are just too extreme. I’ve been spoiled by Vancouver.
How do you like to recharge?
My wife and I used to play League of Legends to unwind, but now, we walk over to a local coffee shop and just veg for a few hours.
What is your vision for your department?
I would love to see us participate in the successful implementation of the IRP. We’ve got some of our best people involved in seeing this through. People are naturally skeptical and hesitant about change, but I’m confident we can change their minds.
What quality do you most admire in a leader?
I admire a leader who uses their position to empower others to be better. Within our own units and as an institution, I hope we continue to inspire and empower our staff and students to become great leaders as well.
For you, what makes UBC different?
UBC is so big and there’s so many things to do at lunch. I love going to UBC Studios to check out their VR equipment, walking to Wreck, checking out the multiple museums, or just chilling with friends. After years of working in a dark cubicle as a stock broker, this is so amazing.
If you could have a super power, what would it be?
That’s easy. Wolverine claws.
What would you like to be remembered for?
A reliable coworker, a good friend, a cool dad, son, brother and “the great love of her life.”
What’s the best food at UBC?
London fog @loafe.