François is the successful candidate to take on this newly created role as Senior Facilities Manager, with all of the Building Operations’ Facilities Managers reporting directly to him. François will continue to be responsible for the Brown Zone and also manage the day to day operations within the Facilities Management team with support from Kishani Gibbons, Senior Manager, Customer Services.
Francois joined UBC in 2013 as the Facilities Manager for the Brown Zone and over the years have established strong relationships with key stakeholders across campus. Francois prides himself on his hands-on customer service approach and is passionate about improving the way we deliver our services. Francois’ desire to get things done led to the clean-up and re-organization of the South Campus warehouse in 2016-17, and the development of the campus-wide water cooler policy after a water intrusion event. Francois is also responsible for writing the first draft of the Facilities Water Intrusion policy and procedure.
Francois has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from The University of British Columbia and is a certified Facilities Management Administrator (FMA®).