The latest Facility Condition Index is available
Facilities has updated the bubble diagrams that show the condition of UBC Vancouver Point Grey owned buildings as assessed by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education & Future Skills in 2023. These diagrams are augmented by renovations completed to date after that audit.
Building a sustainable UBC: Saving energy and water on campus
In the past year, UBC Facilities’ Energy & Water Services led three key projects to help UBC meet our sustainability goals and lessen energy and water usage on the Vancouver campus.
VPFO Update – October 28
The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on October 28 2024.
Reminder for UBC Visa credit cards expiring in November
If you have a UBC Visa card expiring in November, this is a reminder that your card will remain valid throughout the month and will officially expire on November 30. Stay tuned for more updates as the Credit Card Team will reach out again directly to affected cardholders with more information.
Protect yourself from the flu: Get your flu shots this fall
Starting October, 2024, Influenza vaccines will be available across British Columbia. The flu vaccines will be booked through the provincial government’s Get Vaccinated system. If you have already registered with the provincial Get Vaccinated system, you will not need to re-register to receive an invite for the influenza vaccine. Learn more about the Influenza Immunization Program.
Celebrating our staff who joined the 25 Year Club!
The 25 Year Club honours non-faculty staff members who have 25 or more years of uninterrupted or accumulated service at UBC. This year the inductees for 2024 highlighted many staff members from across our portfolio.
Don’t feed the clog monster
Every time you flush paper towel, the dreaded clog monster grows, creating an increasingly large clog down in the building’s pipe system. This menacing fiend lurks in our pipes, causing clogs and backups in your spaces. The clog monster leads to closed washrooms, flooded learning spaces, and costly cleaning and renovations. Learn more October 29 & 30 outside the UBC Bookstore.
Metro Vancouver water crews conducting planned maintenance
As part of planned maintenance, Metro Vancouver water crews are working within the City of Vancouver, which may cause turbid water. There is a small possibility of increased water cloudiness in parts of Vancouver (including UBC) during this work. The cloudiness should subside in a few days.
VPFO Update – October 15
The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on October 15 2024.
$7-million donation from Dan On Foundation seeds the future of food innovation at UBC
A $7-million donation from the Dan On Foundation will fund the building of UBC’s Food and Beverage Innovation Centre, set to formally open in early 2025. The centre will help the agri-food industry in B.C. and beyond by providing access to state-of-the-art technologies and facilities.