Archives by date

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Pedestrian bridge renovations underway at UBC Botanical Garden

UBC Botanical Garden is currently undergoing construction to replace seven pedestrian bridges. While the garden remains open to visitors, some pathways will be temporarily closed to allow for the safe completion of this work.

Help keep rodents out of your work spaces

Rodent activity and indoor migration increases as the weather gets colder, and they move indoors for shelter and food. Help prevent rodents from moving in by securing your waste and food. Learn more about prevention and how to report signs of rodents or other pests on campus.

VPFO Update – September 30

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on September 30 2024.

Are you prepared for an earthquake?

On October 17, 2024, practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:17 a.m. during the annual Great BC ShakeOut. As part of ShakeOut, UBC will be testing its emergency notification system, UBC Alert. Learn more about how you can stay safe before, during, and after an earthquake.

Construction begins for UBC Sauder Expansion

This month, the UBC Sauder Power House Expansion Project will begin construction for a new 11-storey building that will sit on the former Power House site and next to the current Sauder School of Business facility. The demolition of the Power House began last year and was completed in March of 2024.

Announcing the search for a new Chief Enterprise Risk & Assurance Officer

UBC has embarked on a search for a new Chief Enterprise Risk & Assurance Officer. We are grateful and thank Allen Amyotte, Interim Chief Enterprise Risk & Assurance Officer for stepping into this role last year and providing leadership to the Enterprise Risk & Assurance team. The call for applications will remain open until October 15, 2024.