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UBC Third Quarter 2023/24 Financial Report is now available

The university’s third quarter 2023/24 financial report is now available on the UBC Finance website.

Keeping the clean water flowing to campus – 16th Ave Water Main Replacement begins April 15

This project will replace 400 metres of aging water main infrastructure along 16th Avenue. Expect noise and traffic changes along the route.

VPFO UPDATE – April 8, 2024

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on April 8, 2024.

Water dispensing and filtration equipment

Drinking water on the UBC Vancouver campus comes from Metro Vancouver’s water system, and is regularly tested to maintain high-quality drinking water. But if a faculty/department would like to order third-party water dispensing and filtration equipment, this order and ongoing maintenance or refills would be customer-funded.

VPFO UPDATE – April 2, 2024

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on April 2, 2024.

Get to know the senior leadership team: Chris Freek

Fostering a culture of purpose driven leadership, get to know Chris Freek, Director, Communications & Engagement, and his leadership vision: “I am a designer, builder and coach who empowers people to move beyond, to achieve a more impactful future than they could imagine on their own. I use influence, collaboration and my personal investment to be the standard bearer of a unified and integrated UBC.”

50% off furniture at the Zero Waste Market

As spring rolls around, the Zero Waste Market is excited to announce that during April and May, will be 50% off, with some items free. Stop by to check out the furniture, stationary, lamps, and unique vintage items! Learn more.

UBC Board of Governors approves balanced operating budget for 2024/25

UBC is reporting a healthy financial position as part of its 2024/25 budget, approved by the Board of Governors this week.

VPFO MONDAY UPDATE – March 25, 2024

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on March 25, 2024.

Do your part and Sort It Out

As we continue our commitment to sustainability, we want to take a moment to remind everyone of the importance of recycling and waste sorting and to continue to sort their personal deskside waste. Learn more.