Come out and watch Frank Laezza play in this year’s Battle of the Bats!
Come out and cheer for a thrilling opportunity to see UBC’s student leaders face off against members of UBC’s Executive and Board of Governors. Frank Laezza, Vice-President Finance & Operations, will be playing on Team Exec on Thursday, August 29, from 3:00 – 4:30 pm.
VPFO Update – August 12, 2024
The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on August 12, 2024.
Read UBC’s 2024 Annual Financial Statements
The Annual Financial Statements for year ended March 31, 2024, is now available on the UBC Finance website. UBC’s consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of UBC, covering the fiscal year from April 1 to March 31.
Update: Public Health Officer order for COVID-19
On July 26, 2024, Dr. Bonnie Henry issued an order to end the public health emergency for COVID-19 and rescinded all related Provincial Health Officer (PHO) orders. Please update any UBC materials referencing the PHO and properly retain or destroy COVID-19 vaccination status records. For information on active communicable disease, please visit Communicable Disease Prevention Framework.
Beat the heat this summer
During extreme heat, it’s important to lower your activity levels and stay in a cool area drinking fluids. If a heat warning has been issued, seek access to a cool space or go to a cooling centre. Know the signs of heat-related illness to keep yourself and others safe.
Show your connection to the VPFO with updated templates
You’ve already seen the new look at VPFO Day and on our websites. Now it’s your turn to integrated this look and feel to your own reports, presentations, and more. The new updated templates will help build consistency to communications and how we appear to the campus community. Try them out for yourself now!
VPFO Update – August 6, 2024
The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on August 6, 2024.
Sahar Mirkhosravi joins Treasury as Tax Analyst
We are pleased to announce that Sahar Mirkhosravi will be joining the Treasury team as Tax Analyst (Term) starting August 1, 2024, to cover for Kelly Ren’s maternity leave. Sahar has gained over 13 years of work experience at UBC and we believe that her skills and knowledge will be a great asset to not only tax, but the entire Treasury team.
Staying cool at UBC
Given the high temperatures that can occur in the summer, explore these resources to help stay cool and safe. UBC has multiple cooling centres and water is available across campus.
Do you have a buddy at work?
Tomorrow is International Day of Friendship, and in celebration, we want to highlight the importance of friendships and connections within and outside of our portfolio. Whether they are small or large, we hope you’ve had an opportunity to connect at VPFO Day and your team’s summer socials and gatherings.