Strategic Direction 2


Inside strategic direction 2:

Advance our culture of service, stewardship and continuous improvement.

The VPFO strategic plan allows us to see beyond our existing capabilities and empower decision-making that anticipates how we will change and adapt for the better. Strategic direction 2 outlines how we will further our culture of service, practical decision-making and continuous improvement.

team member cleaning prior to a presentation

Goal 2.1

​​Develop a clear prioritization and decision-making framework.

  1. Utilize a methodology to evaluate impacts and outcomes of key decisions to guide prioritization.
  2. Develop clear roles and responsibilities to guide accountability.

Goal 2.2

Partner internally and externally to understand client needs share VPFO expertise and to manage service expectations.

  1. Develop our core service level requirements to manage service delivery expectations.
  2. Establish a stakeholder engagement strategy to improve and expand VPFO initiatives.
  3. Facilitate consistent, integrated internal & external communication systems and channels to effectively serve our business needs.
  4. Increase cross-portfolio cohesion, clarity, and collaboration through enhanced communication planning and establishing communities of practice to further service delivery.

team members bonding in front of equipment

Goal 2.3

Continuously improve our processes and services to enable us to deliver our best.

  1. Create an end-to-end culture and practice of continuous improvement and innovation by adopting the Lean Six Sigma Methodology.
  2. Develop work arrangements based on the UBC flexible work plan and optimize our campus footprint.

We are the VPFO: building strategic direction 2

Learn how our people are making the VPFO’s Strategic Direction 2 come to life.

Frontline heroes driving our campus forward

Jeff Georgilas, Utility Worker and Amber Velay-Mah, Patrol Officer

When you talk to Jeff or Amber, one of the first things you will notice is their genuine care for our beautiful campus and diverse community. Both professionals in their fields, Jeff and Amber work hard to ensure a safe, inviting and comfortable environment for everyone at UBC.

“What are we doing? Where can we improve?” Continuous improvement in action

Adam Rosenthal, Head, Tool Crib/Store Operator

Adam started at UBC as a Warehouse Clerk for UBC Bookstore in 2011 and moved into the role of Storeperson at Stores in UBC Facilities in 2016. Since then, through learning continuously, developing strong relationships and providing leadership, Adam has advanced his career from Acting Storekeeper, to Sub-Head to his current role — Head, Tool Crib/Store Operator.

Balancing safety and innovation

Janet Hankins, Manager, Research Compliance & Occupational Hygiene

Janet Hankins leads a team of specialists in biosafety, radiation, and chemical safety and occupational hygiene responsible for the handling of hazardous substances across the university. Learn how Janet resonates with the VPFO’s strategic directions and values, and how her team came together to support the university community through the onset of COVID-19.  

Read more about how our people are making our plans a reality

Our strategic directions

The VPFO strategic plan allows us to see beyond our existing capabilities and empower decision-making that anticipates how we will change and adapt for the better. Our strategic plan contains specific strategic directions supported by Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and specific action plans outlined below.

Treasury team meetings

Strategic Direction 1

To deliver our best for UBC, inspire, recruit, develop and support people, through a unified VPFO culture.

Team member presenting to others

Strategic Direction 2

Advance our culture of service, stewardship and continuous improvement.

Teammates bonding on rock structure

Strategic Direction 3

Enhance our sustainability and financial accountability.​