In 2012, three male psychologists, Dr. William Seymour, Dr Ramel Smith, and Dr. Hector Torres, try to help redefine American masculinity in the wake of violence within the prison population.
“We want to teach men how we can remain positively assertive while removing negative aggression,” says Smith
William Seymour, PhD, was raised in a well-off white family in the small, conservative town of Elkhorn, Wis. Ramel L. Smith, PhD, an African-American, grew up streetwise in Milwaukee. Hector Torres, PsyD, grew up gay in Puerto Rico. Despite their very different experiences of boyhood, the three psychologists have at least one thing in common: a mission to redefine American masculinity.
Since this time, the topic of mindful masculinity continues to grow and Liz Plank’s book titled ‘For the Love of Men: From Toxic to A More Mindful Masculinity‘ raises questions around gender-defined career paths and how men are raised to be providers. This notion may limit exploration in careers that take on a more caretaker approach like nursing or daycare worker.
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