Showcasing the VPFO at CAUBO

We’re proud to recognize our VPFO speakers at the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) Annual Conference on June 3–5. The conference brings together university administrators from across Canada to learn about best practices on hot topics in higher education. 

VPFO speakers will cover a multitude of topics about our work at the university and the innovative projects we run. 

Shelly Morrison, Harjot Guram, and Dawn Irmscher from Finance & Integrated Services will speak on how the Integrated Service Centre develops continuous improvement plans and the results of those plans. 

John Metras from UBC Facilities will join other university operations leaders in a session titled, “Alternate Revenue Generation Through Real Estate Strategy.” 

Michael Lonsdale-Eccles from Safety & Risk Services will speak about UBC’s information security Compliance Support Program and cybersecurity. 

Frank Laezza will present some of the challenges facing UBC’s financial reporting and introduce our transformative Finance Data & Reporting strategy. 

Learn more on the CAUBO conference website.