Our work on EDI and VPFO projects supporting UBC’s EDI journey
Check back regularly for updates on our EDI progress and to learn how we’re performing as a portfolio. We will also be posting feature stories to illustrate how EDI at UBC comes to life though our day-to-day work.
May 29, 2019

UBC endorses Canada’s Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion charter
The University of British Columbia has reaffirmed its strong commitment to enhancing equity, diversity and inclusion in research by endorsing the Government of Canada’s Dimensions charter.
Feb 28, 2019

VPFO Gathers for Pink Shirt Day 2019
When you're part of a 24-hour operations group, Pink Shirt Day is really an all-day event. Staff from the Vice President Finance & Operations (VPFO) gathered across UBC to on February 27 in the morning, evening, and night for cake, coffee, and an opportunity to connect and talk about respect, diversity, and inclusion.
Feb 27, 2019