Our work on EDI and VPFO projects supporting UBC’s EDI journey
Check back regularly for updates on our EDI progress and to learn how we’re performing as a portfolio. We will also be posting feature stories to illustrate how EDI at UBC comes to life though our day-to-day work.
Nov 15, 2022

Equity, diversity and inclusion in climate action in Canada
Climate change and its effects are not experienced uniformly. Black, Indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC), particularly those from lower economic countries, are disproportionately impacted by changing climatic conditions. Ironically, these communities are the least likely to be invited to participate in discussions.
Oct 20, 2022

Improving our workplace together
UBC is committed to advancing Equity, Inclusion and Diversity (EDI) through our Inclusion Action Plan, and by working together, moving our ideas into actions. Our next step is that each of you take the time to complete the mandatory EDI training courses, and review the resources available on our VPFO website’s EDI section.
Sep 13, 2022

Inequities in the post-secondary education system
Over 1.7 million students in Canada have a student loan; on average, one debtor owes at least $26,075. Student loans have increasingly come to be seen as a diversity, equity and inclusion issue because student debt is disproportionately held by women and people of colour.
Sep 06, 2022

Labor Day: Honoring Work & Work-Life Balance
As is the case with most holidays, the origins of Labour Day come from the struggles of working people and the demand for fairness. In this week's EDI article, read about the history of Labour Day and the latest career trend of "Quiet Quitting".
Aug 29, 2022