Oct 09, 2019

VPFO News: Special Edition: Strategic Plan
To be our most successful, we need a plan that organizes our work from individual jobs, through departments, to the portfolio and UBC as a whole. Read on to learn more about how our new focus will help us continue our innovative and award-winning work enabling excellence at UBC.
Sep 23, 2019

Living and Breathing Service: Recognizing the People of the VPFO
VPFO strategic plan asks us to inspire great people. There's nothing more inspiring than our Presidential Award-winning co-workers and how their dedication and service makes a daily difference at UBC.
Sep 13, 2019

VPFO Launches Strategic Plan for 2019 to 2021
Leadership and people managers in the VPFO gathered on September 6th to hear about the strategic priorities for the portfolio for the next three years.