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Thank you for your acts of kindness: VPFO Pink Shirt Day 2023

On February 22, 2023, hundreds of team members from the VPFO gathered to recognize our 6th annual Pink Shirt Day, and to support equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

VPFO Monday Update – February 21, 2023

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on February 21, 2023.

Rosanna Ma steps into new role as Facilities Safety Associate

Rosanna’s experience in the Research Compliance and Occupational Hygiene team in SRS and consulting industry will be extremely beneficial in her new role. She will be transitioning from the Donald Rix office to join the Facilities Safety team in the University Services Building. 

Continuing to measure your Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt project

Now that you have submitted your Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt report for your certification, you are encouraged to monitor the results that you have set in your goals on a quarterly basis. Operational Excellence has created a SharePoint site to post the tracking of your results.

2022/2023 Year End Timelines and Procedures now available

The 2022/23 Year End timelines and procedures are now available. Join us in the call-in session on March 7 to review the fiscal year-end timelines and procedures. This year’s campus cut-off for year-end processing is Wednesday, April 5.

Meynardo Villarica steps into new role as Architectural Head in Building Operations

Meynardo joined Building Operations in September 2012 as a carpenter in the Yellow Zone Carpenter and later became the Sub-head for the Carpenter Shop. Bringing a wealth of trade and customer service experience, Meynardo will help to build out processes that will improve how we deliver our services to the clients on campus in these trade areas.

Staff change as VPFO Administration helps support the President’s Office

Sandy Zarka will be seconded as the new Manager of Administration and Executive Assistant to the Interim President for the Presidential transition period. While Sandy is with the President’s Office, Holly Rail will continue in her current role as executive support to our soon to arrive Vice-President Finance and Operations and as Manager of Administration for the VPFO.

VPFO Monday Update – February 13, 2023

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on February 13, 2023.

UBC Annual Screening Mammography Clinic on March 22, 2023

The Screening Mammography Program (SMP) Mobile Services will once again be visiting the UBC Point Grey Campus. BC women ages 40 and up with a primary care provider can book a screening mammogram directly through the program without a doctor’s referral.

Nicholas Potovsky joins Infrastructure Development as the Accessible Buildings Planner

Co-created with the UBC Centre for Accessibility, this newly created role will help UBC develop accessibility design guidelines for new and existing campus buildings. Nicholas is a registered architect with over 10 years of experience in the design of new buildings and renovations of various scales as well as a passion for solving complex problems.