Jodi Scott, Steven Lee, and Leanne Feichtinger form new Learning Space team
The Learning Space team within Facilities Planning, Infrastructure Development will work together with UBC IT Audio Visual and Scheduling Services to plan and manage all of the formal learning spaces at the UBC Vancouver campus.
Bright Idea: Let’s mentor students and benefit from the labour they can provide to campus operations
A Bright Idea to improve student learning by offering a unique (and eclectic) university experience by engaging students to become part of teams that support the university’s operations and initiatives.
Preparing for extreme weather at UBC
As we approach winter, please find enclosed information to help you prepare for extreme weather at UBC. Learn if classes or exams are cancelled or non-essential services are curtailed on your campus.
VPFO Team Newsletter: October-November 2018
Risk Management Services updated UBC’s Emergency Response Plan and launched a brand new Crisis Management Plan, as well as publishing tips for staying safe this winter. Financial Operations successfully completed the first pilot project for their important Service Delivery Model initiative. And Building Operations hit national headlines as they rolled out a new fleet of floor-cleaning robots on the Vancouver campus.
The View From Here: See How Project Services Helps Makes UBC World-Class
Project Services supports the mission of the VPFO by transforming spaces across the Vancouver campus. These projects help make UBC Vancouver safer, better for instruction and research, and more engaging. “We work closely with the campus community to ensure that the work we do supports UBC’s academic mission, goals, and objectives to develop a world-class […]
Deb Capps promoted to Operations/Project Manager, Change Management with Building Operations
Deb will support the changes and training we are anticipating from systems renewal and fill a management gap that was identified in Building Operations.
Building Operations Opens New Custodial Centre in UBC Life Building
Building Operations has added a third custodial deployment centre to minimize custodial travel time to buildings. It’s a big change for after 25 years at C&CP2 for day-shift, night-shift, and weekend staff.
VPFO Semi-Annual Brand Meeting November 28, 2018
Join colleagues from across the VPFO to discover and share resources to help you confidently tell the UBC story on-brand — whether in text, image, motion, or web.
Financial Operations Completes First Service Delivery Model (SDM) Rollout
As part of the Procurement Modernization pilot with the UBC Sauder School of Business, Financial Operations collaborated with faculty and staff to analyze existing practices, identify opportunities for improvement, and design a new SDM with a people-first focus.
Jennifer Farr Joins Financial Operations as Strategic Sourcing Manager
Jennifer and her team work closely with faculties and administrative units to identify and implement opportunities to ensure the best sourcing strategies are identified and the resulting contracts meet user requirements and deliver value to UBC.