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Keep track with VPFO Project Management Office’s projects through the Project Portfolio Management Dashboard

The VPFO Project Management team uses a project portfolio management (PPM) tool to help with the intake, prioritization, selection and management of continuous improvement projects at UBC. Click through to see the dashboard.

Digital Payments Program: Information security training for new merchants

All merchants, including UBC merchants, who process credit card payments are required to be compliant with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS). The DPP PCI-DSS Training course is required as part of DPP’s new merchant onboarding process.

Forecasting for a solid future

Raffaela works with her team to ensure a sound financial position for UBC for generations to come. Read more about what it’s like working in a team as diverse as Treasury, what respect means to her professionally, and how she drives the university forward as an analyst, learner and connector.

Realigning Operational Excellence to Support Key Initiatives for the VPFO and UBC

The VPFO Senior Leadership Team has been working together to review, simplify, and prioritize the projects in our portfolio’s Strategic Plan. To enable key projects for the VPFO and UBC, we’re realigning some of our key resources.

Bringing teams together over good food and good laughs

“Food brings people together,” explains Bryan Antenor,  Customer Support Manager in Financial Operations. “Connecting over potlucks, having a few good laughs and participating in highly competitive Mario Kart Switch tournaments are just some of the simple yet effective ways we keep a high-performing team motivated while creating a collaborative space.”  

Diving into biodiversity and sustainability: Environmental education and cultural exchange at St’a7mes School

This initiative brings together individuals from various backgrounds and communities, including Elders, settlers, and Indigenous communities; and  aims to foster cultural exchange, a deeper understanding of biodiversity and sustainable practices, as well as an enhanced collective responsibility for the environment.

Upcoming road closures on UBC Vancouver campus as of June 19, 2023

Find more information about upcoming road closures around the UBC Vancouver campus as of June 19, 2023. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

Are you setting up your international supplier correctly?

In order to ensure smooth processing of supplier invoices and purchase orders, please ensure international supplier setup and change requests are completed well in advance. Here are a few reminders from our Customer Support team in UBC Financial Operations.


The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on June 20, 2023.

Helen Yung — Get to Know UBC’s New Comptroller

Fresh onto campus, we’ve taken the opportunity to ask Helen more about herself, her views on leadership, and what excites her about working with the VPFO and UBC.