This is an archive if the discontinued VPFO Newsletter for past articles and info. You’ll find each month’s issue descending date order (newest to oldest). As the issues get older, some links to other UBC websites and resources may no longer work as items are archived or deleted.

VPFO Team Newsletter: September – October 2019
As you read in our VPFO News: Special Edition, we have a new strategic plan. The VPFO website is now updated to feature the plan and our work across the portfolio. You can start to take part: review the new strategic plan, talk to your VPFO team and peers about how the plan could affect your work, and update your email signature to show how you're part of the VPFO.

VPFO News: Special Edition: Strategic Plan
To be our most successful, we need a plan that organizes our work from individual jobs, through departments, to the portfolio and UBC as a whole. Read on to learn more about how our new focus will help us continue our innovative and award-winning work enabling excellence at UBC.

VPFO Team Newsletter: July-August 2019
As the summer draws to a close we're getting ready for the energy and excitement of a new fall term. Staff from across the VPFO are gearing up for the new academic year with an exciting array of projects and announcements, including the completion of a new student residence, a funding announcement for the cutting edge Bioenergy Facility (BRDF) on the Vancouver Campus, and UBC's first Campus Commuter Challenge partnership in the Okanagan.

VPFO Team Newsletter: May-June 2019
Working with our friends in UBC Central Communication's Web Services team, we now have a new look for VPFO News. You'll notice that we've made some changes to make our newsletter a bit more compressed and easier to scan as well as preparing it to work with our new content management system behind the scenes. Let us know what you think of the new design.