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MOA: Great Hall Renewal project is proceeding

The Museum of Anthropology (MOA): Great Hall Renewal project is proceeding, and the dismantling of the outer walls of MOA’s Great Hall is starting this week. This work will continue into the Spring 2022, with construction of the new structure and skylight installations starting in the Summer 2022. The project is anticipated to be completed in the Fall 2023.

Inequality Kills

A recent study called ‘Inequality Kills’ by Oxfam Charity has revealed that the 10 richest people in the world doubled their income while millions have been pushed into poverty during the global pandemic. In fact, since the pandemic erupted in March of 2020, a new billionaire has been minted every day.

David Rowswell joins Facilities Information and Inventory Systems as Programmer Analyst in Infrastructure Development

David has worked in multiple roles at UBC. He is joining us on secondment from ITSC (Service Center) where he worked as part of our IT support team. After graduating from UBC with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2017, he also worked in the Department of Botany.

Facilities Annual Injury Statistical Review 2021

UBC Facilities aims to provide a safe, healthy, and secure environment to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of all of us as we work to support the university. In order to gain some insight into our health and safety efforts over the past year and identify areas for improvement, here is a general overview of the preliminary Facilities incident/accident statistics for 2021. 

Monday Update

Updates from UBC January 12: UBC Broadcast: COVID-19 — Update on Winter Session, Term 2 January 12: President’s Update: At the University of British Columbia, we are committed to doing our part to address the climate crisis January 12: UBC Bulletin: Submit your comments as part of an external review of UBC IT Updates on UBC’s response to […]

Updated information on COVID-19

Safety & Risk Services has updated the COVID-19 information to reflect the recent guidance and direction around continuity planning, contact tracing, and mask recommendations from the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), and WorkSafeBC.

UBC Gateway project received the 2021 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence

The design intends to express commonalities between Musqueam values, culture, and learning and the UBC Gateway environmental and wellness goals. The UBC Gateway project is nearing the end of the design process and should start construction in spring, targeting Board 3 approval in March.

Florante Navarro promoted to Sub-Head, Stores in Municipals Services

Florante brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will help him transition into his new role as a Sub-Head and contribute to the team in a leadership capacity. He has worked with the Stores team for the past 3 years as an Operator.

Staff: Submit your Professional Development Fund claims by March 4

A reminder to staff and research associates to use available professional development (PD) funding and submit your claims in Workday by Friday, March 4, 2022. Claim submissions will commence again on April 1, 2022, at the start of the new funding year.

Reminder to set up your supplier early in Workday

As we head towards the end of the fiscal year, there is an expected increase in the volume of financial transactions and requests within Workday. A reminder to UBC requestors — those purchasing goods or services — to ensure your supplier is set up in advance of the invoice being issued.