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This holiday season visit MOA before temporary 2023 closure

The upcoming winter holidays present a final opportunity for visitors to explore the Museum of Anthropology at UBC before it closes for much of 2023. This temporary closure is to complete the seismic upgrades of the Great Hall and accomplish other work on the building.

Updated UBC Technical Guidelines

The Technical Guidelines help to ensure that buildings and renovations are designed and constructed to optimize service life and minimize the whole life-cycle cost for the University.

VPFO Monday Update – December 5, 2022

The VPFO Update is a weekly snapshot that captures important university updates, work across VPFO departments, and relevant resources. Sent on December 5, 2022.

December 6 is The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Led by the Engineering Undergraduate Society and Faculty of Applied Science, the annual 14 Not Forgotten Ceremony is an opportunity for UBC students, faculty and staff to remember the 14 women who lost their lives and stand against violence towards women.

Delay in ordering UBC Visa cards

Due to office closure over the holiday season, UBC’s Credit Card team will hold off on ordering new UBC Visa cards starting from Thursday, December 15, 2022, until Tuesday, January 3, 2023.